"Safety Through Awareness, Awareness Through Eduction"
"Safety Through Awareness, Awareness Through Eduction"

2023 Federal Legislative Agenda

At the 2022 Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s (MRF) 38th annual Meeting of the Minds Conference held in Des Moines, Iowa a legislative strategy session was hosted by the MRF’s Legislative Committee. The purpose of the session was to establish and prioritize the MRF’s 2023 Federal Legislative Agenda.

Legislative issues fall into one of three categories, high, medium and monitor. This list remains fluid and can be adapted depending on the issue and political environment.

Below is a brief description of the issues on the MRF’s 2023 agenda. The January 2023 issue of the American Biker Journal will have more detail on each of these legislative priorities. As a reminder, all MRF members receive a copy of the American Biker Journal with their membership.

If you aren’t a MRF member click here to join and support freedom and safety for street motorcyclists in Washington, D.C.

The 2023 Motorcycle Riders Foundation Legislative Priorities List


Profiling - Sustain lobbying efforts for the passage of resolutions or legislation that promotes awareness and prohibition of motorcyclist profiling.

Renewable Fuels - Advocate for targeted changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) including supporting the universal availability of approved fuel blends, containing no more than 10% ethanol by volume.

Autonomous Vehicles - Advocate and monitor any legislation or regulations related to motorcycles concerning connected and autonomous vehicles (AV):

Emission Regulations - Engage the EPA & Congress on any activity related to motorcycle emission regulations including efforts by California and other states that endangers the future of motorcycling

Definition of a Motorcycle - Seek a more appropriate and up to date federal definition of a motorcycle which reflects the current set of vehicles on the roads today.

Crash Avoidance - Promote the theme of crash avoidance versus safer crashing, urging NHTSA and the DOT to focus on crash prevention and rider education.

Helmet Laws - Oppose any mandatory federal helmet, apparel, or conspicuity standards

Black Box / Data Recording - Pursue legislative language that any collected or available vehicle data is the property of the consumer and in which the consumer has the choice to opt-in to having their personal data communicated to interested parties.

Internal Combustion Engines - Work to ensure the survival of internal combustion engines.


Surface Transportation Reauthorization (Highway Bill) - Advocate and pursue legislative efforts related to the next highway bill reauthorization (expiring in 2026).

Roadway Design - Pursue safer roadway design strategies in federal infrastructure legislation or discussions.

Discriminatory Legislation - Oppose any motorcycling, motorcycle, or motorcyclist-based discriminatory legislation or rules proposed by the U.S. Congress or by any governmental agency.

Vulnerable Roadway User Terminology - Monitor and ensure that motorcycles and motorcyclists are a specific and unique category or classification.

Gang, Club and Other Language - Monitor and respond to federal legislative or regulatory activity concerning the usage of the terms gang, club, known associate, and associate when referring to motorcyclists.

Taxes - Encourage fair treatment of motorcyclists in any change to federal taxes related to transportation.


Distracted Driving - Work to discourage any/all forms of distracted driving.

Sound Testing - Monitor any SAE Motorcycle Roadside Sound Testing or EPA action.

International Partnerships - Continue participation in motorcycle-related activity in the European Union, United Nations, and Canada informing the membership of key developments.

National Studies - Continue monitoring any national studies concerning motorcycles

Exhaust Systems - Monitor and vigorously oppose any federal standard proposing stamping and certifying of motorcycle exhaust systems.

Opponents - Monitor private and public organizations that oppose the legislative agenda or mission of the MRF.

Tolling - Monitor fair tolling concepts on federally funded roadways and projects supported by federal bonds and issues related to congestion tolling.

Lane Filtering and/or Lane Splitting - Monitor and support federal efforts to study and review the benefits and concerns of lane splitting and lane filtering.

Emissions - Monitor and report on any litigation related to motorcycle emissions violations.

Tariffs - Monitor any tariffs on imported motorcycles, parts, or apparel.

Incentives - Seek fair tax rebate and or credits for the purchase of electric motorcycles similar to those offered for electric automobiles.

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  • A Watchdog on the federal, state and local legislatures, protecting your rights to ride.
  • Your information source, with newsletters, board meetings and information meetings.
  • A major force in promoting positive motorcycle legislation and motorcycle safety.
  • An organization dedicated to fostering brotherhood and mutual benefits for members.


  • A motorcycle club.
  • Anti-helmet.
  • A Secret society.
  • A fraternal organization.
  • Afraid to take a position.
  • A branch of government.
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