Don’t fall into the trap of believing only high-powered lobbyists or big money donors can make a difference in D.C. The average biker can and has impacted policy in our nation’s capital.
A perfect example is the work of two motorcyclists in Nevada, Fred Harrell and Russell Radke. Both are long time biker rights advocates and understand the best way to get things done is to educate and develop relationships with their elected officials. Over the course of several years, they met with and befriended their local lawmaker, Congresswoman Susie Lee of Nevada. Sharing their experiences as motorcyclists and their concern regarding the profiling of bikers they sought solutions to help address the issue.
In response to the concerns of her constituents, and as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, Congresswoman Lee advanced committee report language to a government funding bill that seeks answers from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) on the issue of profiling. The language states:
“The Committee is concerned that NHTSA may be conducting activities that encourage states to adopt legislation, regulation, or other policies that unjustly profile motorcycle riders. The Committee directs NHTSA to report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the extent to which the agency works with states on motorcycle passenger policies within 120 days of enactment of this Act.” |