"Safety Through Awareness, Awareness Through Eduction"
"Safety Through Awareness, Awareness Through Eduction"

NHTSA Overview of Motor Vehicle Crashes in 2020

On Wednesday, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released its Overview of Motor Vehicle Crashes in 2020. This report provides a snapshot of crashes, fatalities, and injuries sustained on our nation’s roadways in 2020.

The statistics related to motorcyclists were troubling. In 2020, we saw an 11% increase in fatalities from the previous year.  In 2019, 5,044 motorcyclists were killed on our roadways. In 2020 that number grew to 5,579. Thankfully, the number of injuries registered in the study dropped slightly from 83,814 in 2019 to 82,528 in 2020.

In total, 38,824 people died on U.S. roads in 2020. Motorcyclists made up 14% of that number. The loss of life is not contained to one area as motorcyclist fatalities in urban areas increased by 7.8 percent since 2019 and increased by 11 percent in rural areas.

What is perhaps most concerning is that total miles traveled by Americans dropped in 2020 by 11%, yet fatalities increased by 6.8%. Despite less miles being logged more people were killed. Obviously, 2020 was a unique year in which a global pandemic affected every facet of our lives. The data provided in this study can be useful but should be viewed with the understanding that 2020 was an unprecedented year.

Despite that, there is no question that reports like this will spur questions and ultimately action by policymakers in Washington, D.C. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is committed to ensuring motorcyclists have a voice when issues like safety are debated. Your support and commitment to giving the street rider a voice in our nation’s capital remains vital.

Thank you for supporting the MRF and as always Ride Safe and Ride Free.

To read more about the study and review risk factors and statistics regarding specific states you can click here to read the full report.


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