"Safety Through Awareness, Awareness Through Eduction"
"Safety Through Awareness, Awareness Through Eduction"

Please support Antiprofiling House Resolution 366 Call to-Action to support Motorcycle Riders

Members of the House of Representatives left D.C. last week for two weeks of recess. While they are away their staff members are sorting through constituent mail and reviewing legislative priorities. Now is a great time to contact those congressional offices and have your voice heard!

  1. Res 366 is a resolution focused on the profiling of bikers and it needs public support from all Members of Congress.

Click on the link below and you will be sent to a site that sends a letter to your Representative based on your zip code.

If your Representative has already signed on, your message will be a thank you note and ask them to push for a full vote on the House floor. If your elected official hasn’t signed on, the message will ask for them to cosponsor H. Res 366 and go on record supporting bikers.

So far this year over 70 Representatives have cosponsored the resolution, but that is just half of where we were in 2020. Let’s make sure the politicians in Washington, D.C. hear from bikers and act.

Click here to contact your Representative regarding H. Res 366.

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  • A fraternal organization.
  • Afraid to take a position.
  • A branch of government.
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